Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1, 1991

I drive Andy to daycare and then stop at the South Madison McDonald's for breakfast before a short road trip to Brodhead for the Public Library Advisory Committee meeting.  Jo Zipsie's near-apoplexy over automation makes her an even stronger candidate for retirement in my mind.  And then Peter Niemi starts opening his mouth with engaging his brain.  He suggests that since Madison may have to cut staff and the book budget to fund automation, other libraries should so likewise.

"Peter, that is absurd," I respond vociferously.  "That's ridiculous.  Why should those of us who have done our homework be penalized?"

It seems that my outburst brings him back to reality.

I take the scenic route home, meandering along the lonesome roads of Fitchburg.  I browse through the record bins at Half Price Books where I locate a clean (or so it looks) copy of Elephant Mountain.

The evening is very slow, and once I get home JoAnna's still out at volleyball.  I read a couple dozen pages of Rabbit at Rest.

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