Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 31, 1991

Easter Sunday.  Grandma Nelson probably wonders if her older grandson is getting any religion yet.  No, and the outlook for the near future looks bleak, too.  Andy and I go to the park during the early afternoon.  A threatening sky cuts short our visit.  I attempt to work in the yard, but a brief rainfall sends me indoors.  What a strange day.  First it's overcast, then it rains, then the sun shines, the process repeats itself, all in quick succession.  Later in the afternoon, Andy and I go shopping for baking potatoes.  Sentry's closed; as is Kohl's. We trek to Cub.  JoAnna fixes ham, potatoes, cauliflower and broccoli, and a salad for supper.  Later she calls my folks but I don't get much of a chance to talk.

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