Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6, 1991

Area Leaders meeting is moved up to accommodate Sharon's schedule.  The discussion focuses on consistency issues, what staff should or shouldn't be doing, specifically.  For the rest of the morning and into the afternoon, I hammer out a nearly complete draft of the long-range plan for the board members' packets.  I'm still ambivalent as to how they'll respond to specific objectives.  I pick up Andy at daycare and we stop at Sentry to pick up hamburger buns, baby food, coffee, and, at Andy's request, baseball cards.  I cook hamburgers on the grill.  I let Andy go to bed with me, but he wants the lights out and the TV off once he's ready to go to sleep.  I carry him to bed, and then go to sleep myself after reading five pages of "The Promised Land"  JoAnna gets home very late and wakes me up with a sharp moan of impatience.  She's dead tired but too wound up from a long day at the Capitol to fall asleep right away.

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