Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4, 1991

Is it a hangover or just a 41-year-old body waking up from a deep sleep?  Once again I have to ask myself when JoAnna returned home.  Andy joins us in bed surprisingly early, considering how late he went to sleep.  JoAnna and the boys leave for Two Rivers around 9, and so begins a relatively solitary day.  A phone call interrupts a dump.  Mim wants to know if I'll be coming to Beloit, but I lie and say I'm going to Two Rivers today.  My response bothers me for awhile until I realize that I really wanted to be today was by myself.  I rarely have the chance to do this anymore.  I spend most of the day doing yardwork:  mowing the lawn, weeding the south side of the house, expanding our garden space, and planting watermelon, spaghetti squash, and pumpkins, along with beets and more carrots.  I take a 45-minute bike ride, retracing the route I took on an extremely hot Fourth of July two years ago.

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