Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 25, 1991

I drive JoAnna to her meeting at the Radisson on Odana Road, Andy to daycare, and myself to Durrant, holding off my arrival at the final destination after cashing my check and buying a few items at Pic-a-Book.  Donovan has adjusted the schedule, and I have no objection to his changes.  Sometimes though I just have to wonder how effective a presenter Donovan is going to be.   I remember so clearly how mealy-mouthed he was in front of the Plan Commission.

After a visit to Second Hand Books, where I buy some records and tapes, I make an appearance at the library.

Until it's time to leave, I pack the van and do some calendar squares.  I'm a little bit late leaving the house to pick up JoAnna and Andy on our to Two Rivers.  Eddie sleeps until nearly 4.  While I'm sitting at my desk, Barb presents Eddie to me as is.  His one-piece outfit is soaked around the middle.  Just one more reason to get Barb out of the house before Christmas.

Sitting in Larry and Alice's basement, I quickly turn invisible.  JoAnna's friends arrive and she neglects to introduce me.  I get the message and join her dad upstairs.  He's watching a couple romp all over someone's apartment.  We never catch the title of the movie, but it's obviously some Fatal Attraction clone.

At midnight I decide to go to bed so I'll be able to get up with the boys.  Somehow. though, I manage to sleep in.

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