Thursday, December 8, 2011

December 8, 1999

Jerry Bancroft                Tim Albaugh

I found three connections to the class of 1968 in recent issues of the Times-Observer. Tim Albaugh was arrested for a DUI offense. It sounded like he might have fallen asleep with the motor running outside of where he lives on the south side. For some odd reason, when I try to remember what he looked like the last time I saw him, which was probably at graduation, Jerry Bancroft comes to mind.

Rodney Seymour’s mother died. I had forgotten that they were members of St. Paul’s.  I can’t picture Rodney ever attending church; neither can I remember his presence in confirmation class. In fact, I can’t remember much about him – who he hung out with, who he dated, where he might have worked after school – except for his slightly rotund appearance. I don’t remember him participating in any high school activities, not even attending any of the many dances that took place in the exhibition hall.

Mel Jacobson’s son got engaged. The announcement referred to Mel as “Skip”, a nickname he never had in high school. Back then he was known as “Punky”, the origin of which is a complete mystery to me. It’s funny, the husband of a former library board president is named Melvin, “Mel” for short, and he looks just like I imagine Mel Jacobson might look today.

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