Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 20, 1991

Andy and I don't leave the house until after eight.  Since he hasn't completely adjusted to the move to the Bumblebee Room, he again wants me to read him a story before I leave.  My daddy schedule has all the time in the world, but I'm not on that one right now.  My professional schedule won't allow it.  I have to be at a meeting in 10 minutes.  Andy's teacher comes to my rescue, suggesting he join another boy who is all by himself.

The Automation Task Force meeting lasts most of the morning.  My organization of the board comments seems to have helped facilitate the discussion.

Before my meeting with Feingold's aide, I stop by JoAnna's office --  nobody is there so I walk to the credit union, top by JoAnna's office again -- and again no one is there.  Summer is away from her desk I learn once I reach Feingold's office, but Todd, the staff person I talked with on Library Legislation Day, graciously offers me a few minutes of his time.

I grab lunch at Rozino's, then walk to the library school to drop off ETN assignments, the ones I hastily reviewed yesterday.  I decide to play hooky, calling the library to report that I won't be returning to work. During the stroll along State Street, I visit the B Side and buy 3 CDs.  A fourth visit to JoAnna's office finds Sally at her desk.  She informs me of JoAnna's whereabouts so I stop at 421 S, brave the crowds and the 100-degree heat, and greet my Honcakes.  Andy and I stop for soda on the way home.

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