Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Nanny State Wants Your Roman Shades

Here's the basics from an AP report.

The government and the window covering industry on Tuesday recalled more than 50 million Roman-style shades and roll-up blinds because of the risk children may be strangled by the cords.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission said five deaths and 16 near-strangulations from Roman shades have been reported since 2006, while three deaths connected to roll-up blinds have been reported since 2001.

At the risk of sounding heartless, I have to wonder if this recall is really necessary.

Each roman shade or roll-up blind is responsible for 0.00000016 deaths. Some might call that a pretty good safety record.

Makes you wonder how we survived drapery cords all these years.

1 comment:

Kathy Whitt said...

And how many cats got strangled?
