Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Tuesday Before Thanksgiving 1976

I am enduring another afternoon when frequently my head becomes nearly too heavy to hold up. To keep myself alert, I spend a half hour reading and marking followed by a similar time period tying up catalog cards. After I finish this entry I will return to my reading.

During the past couple weeks, I have considered revising my old resume during my Christmas vacation. In that way I would have free access to the mimeograph machine at the church. Until today, I felt there would be no problem encountered in this revision, until I focused on the question of references. If I am going to look for a new job surreptitiously while still working at G. & C., what three names am I going to be able to give as references. Without question, it will be impossible to include Fred or Miss Kay on the list. I suppose I could always fall back on my GSLIS folder. Not clear as to the advisability of that approach, I should drop Grant a line to see if he would proffer any helpful recommendations. Since I only worked for a month at Warren Public, it would be a bit presumptuous of me to ask Ann Lesser. That leaves the two obvious alternatives: Mrs. Jacobs and Dick. Mrs. J is still at the State Library in Helena and I'm sure she would consent to writing a letter for me. Dick, on the other hand, seems to have disappeared temporarily. Maybe Connie knows where he is. Until I do update my resume, I would suggest in the meantime that letters be sent to those individuals who would most likely be willing to write me a recommendation. In that way, when I approach the actual retyping, I can be quite specific from first point to last.

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