Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 7, 1991

I get to the library early, shortly after 7. I'm only working a half day so I attempt to pack in as much as I can in four hours.

The rest of the day is devoted to child care since JoAnna attends the inauguration activities. It seems as though I spend most of my time changing Eddie. He must have wet a diaper at least once an hour. Andy doesn't take a nap do I have no time to myself.

JoAnna makes a brief appearance before going to the inaugural ball, which gives her a chance to nurse Eddie. By that time, he has finished what JoAnna had pumped.

Around 10, Eddie starts to get fussy. He's getting to be like clockwork in this regard. 45 minutes later he nods off. Despite the lack of a nap, Andy's still up at this time. Within 15 minutes, though, he falls asleep but Eddie starts fussing again. I get up but see through the window blinds the van's headlights approach the garage.

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