Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 8, 1991

Donovan Kramer and I meet at the Durrant office to discuss the outline of the workshop we'll be team-teaching next year.  Back at the library, I read the latest issues of Library Journal and Booklist and talk to police chief Larry Fass about a response to the library's theft problem.  A plan will go into effect on Monday.

JoAnna fixes chicken for supper, and I throw caution to the wind and pour myself a martini.  I'm just in the mood, I guess.  I'm looking forward to some bedtime snuggling with JoAnna, but Eddie continues to fuss until his usual time.  The first two times he falls asleep in my arms only to wake up as soon as I place him in his crib. The third time I let him sleep in my arms for nearly a half hour before transferring him.  For the third night in a row, Eddie then sleeps through the night.  Yes, indeed, "a man of substance".

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