Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wednesday, February 12, 1992

Walk to work?  Not lately.  My excuses:  errands to run, have to pick up the boys at daycare, snow on the sidewalks will ruin my shoes.  I wore my camel tan slacks yesterday and thought they used to fit me a lot better even last year.  I bought them seven -- or was it six -- years ago.  So I have an expanding middle.  Should I be surprised?

There's a lot of things to do at work, but for some reason, I've drawn to weeding the nonfiction collection.  I study a section of the 620s as well as the 370s and 380s.  I'm not finding a major bonanze of withdrawals in either of these sections.  At the same time, though, I think about a shifting project.  and I ribbed Sharon about her penchant for rearranging furniture.

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