Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12, 1991

A riot does not occur at the Lunch Bunch program.  As I leave the library at noon, I notice a few mothers eating lunch with their preschool children outside.  By the end of the day, I have fielded no complaints.  During the afternoon, I spend half my time at the station window (business is very slow) and the second half at the info desk, organizing library boards' responses to the Automation Task Force membership agreement, an agenda item at next week's meeting.

Eddie accompanies me to pick up Andy at daycare.  We stop at Sentry on the way home to pick up baby food.  JoAnna returns home just as I've scorched the inside of Eddie's mouth with his overcooked dinner.  Andy and I inspect the garden and then play baseball just before dark.  He hits three home runs.

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