You'll probably miss this building driving through
Two Rivers on Wisconsin state highway 42 -- or Washington Avenue as you cruise through the downtown business district. The headquarters of the Hamilton Manufacturing Company, now a part of
Thermo Scientific, is located just one block east of Washington Avenue, but
Schroder's Department Store blocks the view.

art-deco classic was built in 1930, just months after the start of the Great Depression. The company was
founded in 1880 and was Two Rivers' major employer for many years.

The church where JoAnna and I were married in 1986 is located just one block from headquarters building. The picture below was taken from the south end of the sprawling manufacturing plant.

Among the products manufactured here: dental furniture (1900s), radio cabinets (1920s), "Child Craft" juvenile furniture (1930s), medical examining furniture (1930s), laboratory furniture (1930s), automatic clothes dryers (1930s), automatic washing machines (1950s), mobile tables for school lunchrooms (1950s).

Seagull deposits are threatening the integrity of the roof.

The smokestack and water tower can be seen for miles around.

One more look at what should be an iconic image of Two Rivers.